Friday, March 27, 2020

Greetings Artists!
So, strange times right? This is so bizarre to me...
I've been teaching for 17 years and have never really run into a situation quite like we are currently in. I've had some snow days here and there but this is definitely uncharted territory. Now we can sit and worry about it all, our we can accept the challenge and use it to our advantage. We all have a little bit more time on our hands now, so let's use it the right way. Find something you're really into and dive in head first. If it's music, do some research, pick up an instrument, watch a you tube video. If it's a sport, get outside, throw the ball, kick it, work on fundamentals. Whatever it is that has made you curious, now is the time to take something that might have been a hobby and make it something more.

As an art educator and an artist, I've been working on both. I've done some illustration, I've gave some pointers to a photography friend of mine thats taking this time to get better at drawing. I've done some painting and will be doing a lot more of that as well. I've done a Zoom meeting with some artist friends of mine and had a draw off but also enjoyed some fun conversation. Stay active and use this time to grow, I am.

Teaching is going to be a little different going forward. The art department is working on solutions as to what might be the best options going forward and how to we give you high quality instruction outside of a physical classroom? A great question, but also a great opportunity. As a teacher in grades 4-6 it's my role to introduce you to as many different art styles, materials and techniques as I possibly can. Introducing you to some basics and some advanced concepts so that going forward you are prepared to meet the challenges at both the junior high and high school levels. This becomes a bit of an issue because of materials that I have in the classroom that you don't have at your home.

However, one thing we all most likely have in common is a paper and a pencil. Drawing is the foundation of all art, if you can learn to draw, and to do it well, you will be able to translate that into almost every art style.

The art department is currently working on next steps and as information becomes available it will be communicated to you. If we stay in this pattern of suppling information, lessons and instruction remotely I will work on developing drawing lessons to help you take those next steps.

Until then, the latest Great Quarantine Art Adventure topics are as follows:

Make art with someone you love
Make a color wheel with found objects * remember colors have specific locations and are not just randomly put into a circle*

Stay safe, stay healthy, and find something to feed the soul...
-Mr. Perry