Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Cupcakes, donuts, cakes...OH MY! The 5th grade clay assignment this year was food. Something delicious - a hearty breakfast or a tasty treat for after dinner? Students have a wide range of tastes and they were able to pull from these to re-create some of their favorites. This year we dove into multiple constructive techniques for hand building with clay. A full class demo included the use of coils, pinch pots and slab construction to make everything from spaghetti to donuts to full size cakes. Students were able to pull from a variety of techniques and tools to try an create a realistic clay version of the actual thing. I wanted them to make food that looked so real it would make everyone that visited the art room hungry.
     Once fired we added acrylic paint to the clay and in some cases Mod Podge was used to create a glossy sheen to greasy burgers and wet frosting. Real packaging as well as sprinkles and cones were incorporated into the final design.